Cultural Department

Cultural programs provide opportunities for students to develop confidence in self-expression and develop the social skills necessary for their development. The main purpose of conducting cultural programs is to make students aware of the social system through various cultural programs. In the college, through various cultural programs such as social problems, social awareness competitions, debate competitions, dance competitions, competitions are held to develop the inherent talents of the students. Through this program, the work of creating an accomplished and responsible citizen is done. If the students are inculcated in art during their college education, the latent invention in them gets an opportunity. At the same time, the ability to enjoy and appreciate visual arts like music, dance, drama, painting, rangoli and many other competitions increases as a result, the students also become cultured.

The importance of cultural art has been there since ancient times. Through cultural programs, human beings get a kind of entertainment. If we think about other human beings, in those days too, after wandering for livelihood for the whole day, in the evening, to refresh the tired life again, people used to entertain themselves through arts like stories, Nakala, dance-songs, mockery-jokes, etc. Even today, art is very important. While studying in college, students are introduced to various arts and competitions through this cultural program. Therefore, cultural festival is very important in all colleges. SharadraoPawar College of Arts and Commerce, Gondwana University is affiliated to Gadchirolisi. Our college has been continuously trying to provide a platform to the students by organizing cultural festivals for the past several years. In the session 2018-19 we organized a cultural festival for the students. Various competitions like Rangoli Competition, Song Singing Competition, Quiz Competition, Cooking Competition, Dance Competition were held in it. Most of the students had registered their participation in this competition. In the session 2019-20 with the main objective to develop the talents of the students, a cultural program called YuvaMahotsav was held in which various competitions like Rangoli, Elocation, Poster, Dance, Song Singing were held. Also, the students participated in the rainbow program held in the university this year. Students participated in competitions like debate, fashion show, university level competition. Due to the outbreak of Corona in the session 2020-21, we conducted an essay competition for the students using masks and some students drew rangoli and posted it on the college's WhatsApp group. Students with good rangoli were given certificates. In the session 2021-22, Yuva Rang program was conducted for the students. Essay competition was held on the topic of women empowerment by giving many topics. In the session 2022-23, a cultural festival called Rangatarang was organized to develop latent qualities among students. For this, the program was organized keeping a theme for each competition. In this session, the students participated in the rainbow program held at the university level and the students also participated in the competition held at the distance college.